Day 275: I’m a piece of

Day 275: I’m a piece of

Feeling like a turd today. Good news is, thinking my fever is gone, and I’m hoping for a tomorrow morning where I wake up and get off and running. The sick-thing, guys…it’s not a good look. I ordered a pizza because I was hungry, naturally, and...
Day 273: In Between

Day 273: In Between

It was a weird one today, in between working and recovering. I did a decent amount of both, and now as I sit here in bed with the Coops sniffing my clothes I just dropped onto the floor and Liz beside me doing Instagram stuff, I’m actually pretty satisfied. I...
Day 269: Recovery

Day 269: Recovery

Today did me some good. I got some sleep in, and tried to relax as much as possible. I’m definitely aware now that if the stress level reaches a certain point, my body reacts by getting “sick.” I put quotations since the common factor in the feeling...
Day 263: Time is on my side

Day 263: Time is on my side

Tiiiiiiiiiiime is on my side, yes it is! Oh, tiiiiiiiiiime is on my side, yes it is! That song is floating through my head tonight, and I can’t really tell you why, except for the fact that I was just lying down into bed thinking about how different my...
Day 257: Le Tired

Day 257: Le Tired

For reals…tired I just woke from a 90 minute “nap” and it’s 11:30. I think that qualifies as pretty tired 😛 Today was super interesting, made me feel frustrated with how far I’ve come to this point with my own writing, and was ultimately...