Day 267: It’s not how you begin…

Day 267: It’s not how you begin…

Today was a trying one. Anyone who’s lived out here in Hollywood can attest to having one of these days. I’m not going to go into all of the sordid details – there aren’t really any, in truth, it’s very much a matter of what happens up in...
Day 265: The G**mer

Day 265: The G**mer

I’m reading a script right now for a certain straight-to-DVD franchise. It’s for an audition on Tuesday, and oh, I wish I could write more about it here, but I can’t. This being a public blog and all. It’s pretty entertaining, though. I do...
Day 258: Busy Sunday

Day 258: Busy Sunday

The title tonight pretty succinctly sums it up 😛 It was a busy day today, jam-packed from beginning to end. It all started with taking the Coops out for his morning walkies and feeding him. I listened to this RadioLab short as we walked the morning loop about how...
Day 196: Win/Lose

Day 196: Win/Lose

Well…today was alternately successful and frustrating. I woke up exhausted 😛 I sat down to do work, and I was like “nope. This is not happening.” So, I set up a plan to get a few more hours of shut-eye and still be able to finish all my work by...