Day 612: Turning a corner

Day 612: Turning a corner

First off…today is July 2, 2015. My late younger brother Russell was born on July 2, 1989, and he died on September 19, 2006. He would have been 26 today, having a quarter life crises, struggling perhaps to find a job after college…it’s just very...
Day 550: Dis n Dat

Day 550: Dis n Dat

Scale; it’s what’s for dinner. Tonight’s photo has it in spades, and it’s by Karel Thole. It was definitely an odd day today. Started super early for the Ho, who took her car into the shop because she’d been having some weird noises...
Day 427: Last night in Bangkok

Day 427: Last night in Bangkok

Humboldt, you’ve been real. Seriously. It still does feel like home up here, after all these years of being gone, it still feels like home. There are so many places here to hike around, and I’m sure there are down in LA too, don’t get me...
Day 413: Lucky Number

Day 413: Lucky Number

Thirteen has always kind of been a lucky number for me. Weird, I know, given that it’s considered so unlucky by so many cultures. But, see, I was born on the 13th. One of my best birthdays ever was on Friday the 13th. It was a surprise party when I...
Day 320: Birthday Boy

Day 320: Birthday Boy

. A pretty ho-hum birthday, guys. I don’t usually plan anything on my birthday, just kind of take it easy, but this one was even more low-key than most. Blame it on the wedding. I am just pooped. Past two weeks have really taken it out of me. I took two naps...