Day 775: This is good

Day 775: This is good

Artwork tonight from Bettina von Armin I had a really good day today. I’m feeling GOOD, you guys. I feel focused. Determined. The “end” in sight, and then some time off to spend with loved ones. The end of this first draft is now in sight, too. It...
Day 423: Merry Christmas!!!

Day 423: Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas everybody…and if you don’t celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays and a wonderful Thursday 😛 It’s almost 2am right now, for the second night in a row. We’re up in Humboldt, we made the drive, and I is the tireds. The pups are...
Day 417: Dog Convention

Day 417: Dog Convention

We have a surplus of dogs right now on our bed. I have Coco to my immediate left, by my legs, Ro-ro, Liz’s parents’ dog is down by my ankles, and Coops is down at the foot of the bed on a little ottoman. It’s really Rosie that’s the surprise....
Day 60: Christmas Redux

Day 60: Christmas Redux

Ugh, I’m soooo tired right now writing this blog 😛 It was a great day today, don’t misunderstand. I’m just freaking exhausted at the moment. Today was the Heinichen family Christmas, started at 8pm in the evening because we decided to eat dinner...
Day 58: Christmas 2013

Day 58: Christmas 2013

Once again, merry Christmas everybody. And, if you don’t celebrate the holiday, Happy Holidays. 2013 is winding down to a close, but we’re not there quite yet! There’s one last adventure, and it begins tomorrow. We head up north with my brother and...