Day 449: Tennising and other shenanigans

Day 449: Tennising and other shenanigans

I got to play tennis today with a friend that I haven’t seen in a quite a while. It was the *perfect* kind of day for tennising; overcast, cool, no wind. This is the time of year to do it, man. And, the courts we went to had been recently resurfaced, so it was...
Day 440: Wild, etc.

Day 440: Wild, etc.

We watched Wild tonight with Joe and Madhuri, this time at our place, and we had the Ho’s winter stew that she’s been making this season. SO GOOD. Legitimately… I really liked the movie. I was the only one of the group to like it more than “it...
Day 439: Structured Relaxation

Day 439: Structured Relaxation

Artwork tonight is by Angus McKie. No idea what it’s an image of, but it has to do with things on a massive scale, so I’m in! 🙂 I had a rough night’s sleep last night for some reason. I think it’s because I didn’t take allergy meds before...
Day 234: Clean House

Day 234: Clean House

There was a point today where things threatened to slip into very frustrating-land. I’d worked out, ran some errands, and was deciding that I did, in fact, need to have these workout days off (at least in the near future, till I adjust more to how much they take...
Day 216: Start Your Engines

Day 216: Start Your Engines

It’s been another month. Freaking crazy to me that it’s already June. 2014 is flying by much the same as 2012 and 2013 did. It’s also a bit different, honestly. Doing these blogs really puts the time into perspective. Logging what each day brought,...