Day 590: Off Day Hey

Day 590: Off Day Hey

Artwork tonight by Ben Huber. So cool! I considered titling this entry “ball conditioner”…it was a title I’d admittedly chosen much earlier today, the circumstances of which I’ll relate shortly…but I decided that’s just too...
Day 589: Still here

Day 589: Still here

Artwork tonight from Les Edwards. It’s a piece really made for me by the size of the man in the bottom right of the painting, which I recommend you skip on over to the tumblr version to see in its entirety 😉 Man, today was kind of all over the place. Started off...
Day 583: It’s good to be home

Day 583: It’s good to be home

That’s what Coco is definitely thinking right now as she lies in bed next to me. She went to the groomers today, and even though neither of our dogs seems to have any issues to speak of going to the groomers, ie- it’s clearly not a traumatic experience for...
Day 579: Low Battery

Day 579: Low Battery

My iPad has informed me that power levels are low. Battery reserves at 8%. How like myself. Work, work work. That was today. And, I was fairly successful! Very successful, actually. I have a fighting chance to both have a day of resting tomorrow, AND to finish up my...
Day 551: The Laziness

Day 551: The Laziness

I’m feeling a bit guilty right now…I took such a full day off, I didn’t even get my writing hour done. I should feel guilty for that shit. I had one job! One job! Damnit. I need, then, to figure it out for tomorrow. The Ho is gone for the weekend....