Day 473: Week’s End

Day 473: Week’s End

Artwork tonight by Javier Recio, with a cute H. R. Giger and his alien. I had a solid work day today. I rocked it for *most* of the day. Fell apart a little bit between around 7pm and 8:30…but even then I was able to rally and still get more work done. Solid...
Day 470: Back to Me

Day 470: Back to Me

Tonight’s retro blast-off artwork is courtesy of Richard Terry Vostok. I feel like myself again. I’m not even sure if the allergies have actually gone away, but even they feel better. My head doesn’t hurt quite as much. I’m not quite so tired...
Day 469: Deadlines

Day 469: Deadlines

Dome city tonight by Steve R. Dodd. There was a deadline hit today. I got my newest draft of my pilot script finito and sent off to a couple people who are near and dear to me, charged with helping me get the *next* draft finito and in good shape to share with even...
Day 466: Da Nineties

Day 466: Da Nineties

The Ho and I just took a trip on our time-traveling couch to the 90s. We watched the pilot episode of the X-Files. It’s a (not) surprisingly good pilot. It’s tight, fun scary shit happens, the character dynamics are very clearly set from the get-go, and...
Day 463: Damage Control

Day 463: Damage Control

Artwork tonight from Shimmering-Sword. I’m essentially in damage control mode with the work schedule at the moment…and you know what? It’s working! I can see the forest from the trees, and there’s a path leading to the promised land. I finished...