Day 378: Forty Sevens

Day 378: Forty Sevens

I learned something magical today: the number 47 is everywhere. I had no idea. I’m a self-proclaimed Trek aficionado and even I’d never heard of it before. How did that happen? It’s even on Wikipedia. I’m debating whether or not to explain it...
Day 323: Palindrome

Day 323: Palindrome

I loved palindromes. And, no, stupids, it’s not some crazy word for Sarah Palin. No idea if anyone thought that even for a second, I just saw “palin” in the word as I typed it out, and so I barfed it onto the page. You know what’s bullshit...
Day 256: Ooorah

Day 256: Ooorah

Let’s see…today so easily could have been like tuesday. It had all very much the same markings, the same start-and-stop flow to it. But, it wasn’t like Tuesday. Almost the entire first half of my day was completely hijacked by apartment building...