Day 691: Anniversary, Celebrated

Day 691: Anniversary, Celebrated

Artwork for a starry night by Geoffrey Chandler. We did it. We celebrated our 1st Anniversary with style and pizazz. It all started this morning with getting up at 9:30 to dress and head down to the dining room at the hotel for some *light* breakfast before...
Day 573: Clean

Day 573: Clean

Today was a good day. A restful day, and I sit here in bed writing this a full hour earlier than usual, which is always a good sign. I knocked out another full scene on my pilot script today. It was a fairly long one, but I was able to do it in an hour. I could have...
Day 565: Boomtown

Day 565: Boomtown

Editing: accomplished. Writing hour was something I saw down for…but didn’t really DO. Was a little frustrated about that because I let myself get hijacked into other things, but it was actually a rough morning overall. Very tired, I was. Hard to focus...
Day 562: Ex Machina

Day 562: Ex Machina

We went and saw Ex Machina tonight, the Ho and I. The first of *maybe* a movie a week for the summer season…I don’t know. We’ll see. I haven’t entirely commited to doing that, but I do think it would be fun. I’ve seen two movies in a...
Day 538: Lazzzyyyy Sunday

Day 538: Lazzzyyyy Sunday

Cool stuff tonight from Chris Moore. Today was such a “normal” Sunday, it felt completely alien. I haven’t had one in quite a while, actually. Working, or doing various social things, or whatever…it’s been a long time since I had a...