Day 75: Captain’s Log

Day 75: Captain’s Log

Earthdate 01112014. It’s been 75 days. 75!!! Honestly, I didn’t think that this whole “do a blog every day” thing was going to last so many consecutive days. But, here we are. It’s a great freaking way to close the page on one day and set...
Day 71: Clean Slate

Day 71: Clean Slate

2014…it’s actually here. It’s starting to sink in, finally. It’s happening, I suppose, because now that Ryan our beloved houseguest has left to go home and it’s just me, Coops, and Liz. Back home. The holidays are officially over....
Day 65: Retrospective

Day 65: Retrospective

2013 is over. It’s a weird thought. It was an extremely formative year for me, sitting here, thinking about everything that has happened. And, today was the first day of 2014; filled with some rest, some recreation, some writing, and some work with my brother on...
Day 44: The Unknown

Day 44: The Unknown

I’ve taken to writing lately without knowing what the title of each post will be. I wish it was some exciting “let the cards fall as they may”-type, rock-and-roll attitude…but it’s not 😛 I actually just don’t know what I’m...