Day 295: Genre Smash

Day 295: Genre Smash

Tonight, I had the pleasure to sit and listen to a rather up-and-coming screenwriter, although by my estimation she’s been in the game for almost ten years now, Nicole Pearlman talk about what writing means to her. She, most recently, wrote the Guardians of the...
Day 293: Success!

Day 293: Success!

I caught up today with my pages for the novel. Completely caught up. I’m 48 days into the three-pages-a-day writing extravaganza, and I’ve written exactly 144 pages. That’s almost half a novel right there 🙂 Man…I thought I would be at this...
Day 282: 90%

Day 282: 90%

Success! Kinda… So, I rocked the writing today. Most that I’ve done in a day, for sure, since starting this project. And, by a good margin. I think I wrote 22 pages today. 22! And pretty easily, I might add. But…a hiccup in the middle of the day with...
Day 281: Marathon

Day 281: Marathon

I’m feeling it tonight. Pretty gassed, but still in it. It’s a marathon now, guys. Marathon to the wedding, and then a marathon from there to the end of the year. If I can stick that out, and I can, I’ll be very, very happy with this year. It will...
Day 268: Flat Tire

Day 268: Flat Tire

Had a bit of a break-down today (no, sillies, not the dramatic emotional kind) – a flat tire of sorts and everything ground to a halt. I woke up in the morning feeling exhausted, with a tell-tale ache in the back of my throat. Thankfully, that didn’t...