Day 538: Lazzzyyyy Sunday

Day 538: Lazzzyyyy Sunday

Cool stuff tonight from Chris Moore. Today was such a “normal” Sunday, it felt completely alien. I haven’t had one in quite a while, actually. Working, or doing various social things, or whatever…it’s been a long time since I had a...
Day 400: Rainy day

Day 400: Rainy day

It rained today, and it rained, and it rained some more. Rain all day. Like it was northern california. Rain has always meant winter time to me because that’s how it happens up in Humboldt. It rains for, like, 7 or 8 months out of the year. I never really...
Day 331: Outlining

Day 331: Outlining

Outlined like a mofo today…I got it done, too, plus 75% on another pass on the outline. My pilot script is still for sure going to be over pages-wise, but hopefully that won’t hold me back. More ways to streamline will occur to me, I’m sure. As it is...
Day 124: Lift Off

Day 124: Lift Off

Yup, day one of the writing challenge, which I’m deciding right now will be 60 days long, commenced today. And it felt great. In fact, I’m feeling rather accomplished tonight despite the fact that the editing work kind of fell apart in the later hours of...
Day 98: Changing of the guard

Day 98: Changing of the guard

Whew. Excellent work day today. I’ve still got it. 100% fulfilled my goals today, and slipping into bed on time to get 100% of my goals done tomorrow. Saying it again, right here on the blog, in public, that I will get 20 minutes of editing done tomorrow. The...