Day 414: Quickie

Day 414: Quickie

Tonight’s, alas, has to be a quickie. I hardly got any work done again today. Ugh. This home stretch, this sprint to the finish has definitely not been what I had hoped. But! I have two more days. Come what may. One more apartment thing to deal with tomorrow...
Day 238: Come to Quark’s

Day 238: Come to Quark’s

It’s a gonna be a short one tonight 😛 It’s almost midnight, and another busy day tomorrow. Got a solid amount of editing done today. Not as much as I’d hoped, but that’s been the theme for the past week, hasn’t it? No matter. I’ll...
Day 77: Quickie

Day 77: Quickie

Tonight’s will be a quickie. Working, you see. Writing tonight’s post is weird for a couple reasons. 1) I’m writing this before my day is actually over, which I think is a first for the daily blog. 2) I’m writing it on my computer, which is...
Day 32: Quickie

Day 32: Quickie

I write that title hoping to hold myself to it. My lack of getting-work-done since family came into town has forced me into the position of, sadly, working through the weekend. ie- I need to get up early tomorrow. I don’t know if you remember last time I tried...