Day 229: Walking

Day 229: Walking

Today was a day of walking. There’s really no other way to put it. I have this little gadget, the Jawbone UP24, which is one of those insufferable step counters (which I do check, but isn’t actually the reason I have one of these things). So, I know...
Day 228: 1771 Market

Day 228: 1771 Market

I’m sleeping in my childhood bedroom tonight. One of them, at least. I had a few. But I am staring at the wall right now where I’d hung all my sports and Star Trek posters when I was 12 – 15. Lots of good memories in this bedroom, actually. Reading....
Day 62: Montage

Day 62: Montage

Today was Seth’s birthday. I know what you’re thinking. Didn’t we *just* do a birthday yesterday for your brother? The answer is yes, we did. This is a different brother. Scott’s is on the 28th of December, Seth’s is on the 29th. I must...
Day 60: Christmas Redux

Day 60: Christmas Redux

Ugh, I’m soooo tired right now writing this blog 😛 It was a great day today, don’t misunderstand. I’m just freaking exhausted at the moment. Today was the Heinichen family Christmas, started at 8pm in the evening because we decided to eat dinner...
Day 59: Cabin in the Woods

Day 59: Cabin in the Woods

The trek North has been made! I write this blog in downright rustic surroundings from the back room of my parents’ perpetually remodel-ing house. There is no sheetrock on the walls, it’s industrial carpet on the floor where we’re sleeping, and bare...