Day 406: Fire Sale

Day 406: Fire Sale

The A’s are having a sale, guys, and all MLB teams are invited. Top prospects not necessary! Seriously…I don’t know what the fuck is happening in Oakland. Granted the last time I felt this way was during the off-season between 2011 and 2012, and we...
Day 384: Akira, et al

Day 384: Akira, et al

The movie is almost 30 years old. It’s crazy to think about, actually. It was years ahead of its time, in terms of its scope and tone. I remember when I watched it for the first time. My college roommate David had the special edition DVD, the one that came in...
Day 381: Slipping

Day 381: Slipping

This one is gonna be a short entry, only because I’m rather pooped. ‘Twas a long day. I filled a vacancy (sadly not in my own building, but still a victory), did a bunch of showings, visited the office, and did other random work. It basically took half my...
Day 356: sdlkghssdll….

Day 356: sdlkghssdll….

I was tired today 😛 I kinda forget how much these three days back-to-back really wipe me out. I slept until noon today. NOON. And, I mean slept. It wasn’t me waking up and being all “oh, I should be lazy and sleep some more.” Nope. I woke up having...
Day 314: Maui Day Six

Day 314: Maui Day Six

Tonight’s entry is going to be a short one, because alas, I must be up in a mere FOUR HOURS. We’re doing the “get up crazy early in the morning to go to the top of the volcano and watch the sunrise” thing tomorrow. Today we stayed in bed almost...