Day 99: Feels Good

Day 99: Feels Good

I don’t know what to write about tonight 😛 It was a good day. Got all my work done, and made all the phone calls I needed to make for apartment stuff…it was a kick ass day, in fact. I wouldn’t say that these last two days have been effortless,...
Day 94: Don’t Break the Wheel

Day 94: Don’t Break the Wheel

Man, I can’t help but think about how I’ve almost made it to 100 posts. In a row. That’s pretty crazy, huh? Literally, until just about ten minutes ago, I was in the mood to write some whiny post about how I just can’t seem to shake this...
Day 93: Solutions

Day 93: Solutions

Today was going to be a work day, and tomorrow was going to be my day off…but Liz was home today. All day, and she will be gone tomorrow, all day…so I switched. It does give me absolutely no wiggle room, now, on my editing work to finish up the month, but...
Day 63: Le Tired

Day 63: Le Tired

Yes, that title again. Stayed up till 1:30 talking with Liz and my brother about my mom and her surgery the day before we’re driving all the way back to LA…not the best idea 😛 It was a wonderful day of visiting Patrick’s Point with Liz and the Coops...
Day 44: The Unknown

Day 44: The Unknown

I’ve taken to writing lately without knowing what the title of each post will be. I wish it was some exciting “let the cards fall as they may”-type, rock-and-roll attitude…but it’s not 😛 I actually just don’t know what I’m...