Day 240: Sassafrass

Day 240: Sassafrass

I’m listening to some of the classical music that I collected during the few weeks at the beginning of this year that I was on a binge. Another binge will be coming soon enough, as soon as I get off my current Deep Space Nine playing in the background kick....
Day 213: Just Right

Day 213: Just Right

Tonight’s blog title comes courtesy of the Ho. It would take too long to explain the convo we just had, given its references to blanket issues last night in bed, and saying things almost right, but just off enough to get laughed at. You know…pretty much...
Day 203: Da Workout

Day 203: Da Workout

So sore right now, as I sit here in bed. Today was really Day 1 of the workout routine. Last week was really just kind of a let’s-see-how-this-goes sort of thing, if only because I then didn’t work out again that week. This week, I’m starting right,...
Day 178: Honeysuckle

Day 178: Honeysuckle

Spring is in the air here in So Cal. For any of you who may not be lucky enough yet to experience the turn of the season, my sincerest apologies. You really should consider moving (back) to California. Coops and I took a walk this evening, and it was just freaking...
Day 104: A Day in the Life of Cooper

Day 104: A Day in the Life of Cooper

Cooper’s trotting around after his nighttime snack, and I feel compelled to finally write the “day in the life” entry that I thought of doing so long ago. Long enough in this blog ago, that I don’t actually remember when that was. Pretty much...