Day 220: First Draft

Day 220: First Draft

It’s done. On Day 220, he finished the first, very very rough draft, of the first pilot he’d ever written on his own. And, I love it. It’s my baby. Very fragile and unfinished right now, but it is complete. It is out. 108 pages (jesus! right?). So...
Day 219: Taking Time

Day 219: Taking Time

So…today ended up being a normal 6 pages, which I *just* finished. But, they did get done, and I’m still so FREAKING close to finishing this thing. I had to stop, tonight, right in the middle of this final showdown.] The villain is monologuing right now. I...
Day 218: The Deepest Nine in Space

Day 218: The Deepest Nine in Space

Guys! I have breaking news on the Ira front! He’s tired… 😛 Sarcasm tonight because I feel like I write that sentence after pretty much EVERY WORK DAY. It is true, but, you know…repetitive. Whatever. I got shit done like a BOSS today. It’s...
Day 204: Climbing

Day 204: Climbing

I almost titled today’s entry “blistered,” since that’s how my hands feel at the moment, but then I decided that would be entirely too whiny. And no one likes a whiner, least of all this guy (picture me pointing at myself with blistered hands)....
Day 203: Da Workout

Day 203: Da Workout

So sore right now, as I sit here in bed. Today was really Day 1 of the workout routine. Last week was really just kind of a let’s-see-how-this-goes sort of thing, if only because I then didn’t work out again that week. This week, I’m starting right,...