K, well, the first thing on my mind tonight is that I had a kickass work day – got everything done on my list, save for one item of the apartment building variety – I even sat down and read for an hour!

But an easy second is this whole Trump firing of James Comey. It looks shady. As. Fuuuuuccckkkk. And here is the absolute reality for me personally: I never believed that Hillary Clinton did something treasonous with either Benghazi or with her personal email servers…but never for one second did I support the firing of who was investigating those things, or advocate for denying an investigation. I certainly advocated for moving on once those investigations made their reports and turned up nothing…but that was AFTER THE INVESTIGATION. Like, six or seven years of it.

This Russia shit is less than 6 months old. It looks like Flynn is probably going to be prosecuted. This firing by Trump of the head of the bureau that was investigating him SCREAMS of a cover-up. It’s not okay. Even if Trump himself doesn’t have Russian conflicts of interest or was directly colluding with the election influencing…something I’m still healthily skeptical of after all this because I haven’t seen the concrete evidence for it…even if he’s not guilty of that, he’d now be guilty of the cover-up.

I can’t wrap my head around it. It’s an unforced error. Why do it? He’s stayed above the fray to this point, letting his minions take the fall and/or make the denials and accusations…but now he’s directly responsible for removing the guy in charge of investigating his administration.

This is dictator level shit, you guys. Straight out of the playbook for Turkey, Egypt, Russia, Iraq, Rwanda, Uganda…I mean COME ON. What is happening to my country?

Maybe I have it all wrong…but I seriously, seriously, doubt it. There is so much fucking smoke all over this Russia shit, there is absolutely a goddamn fire. This is Watergate. Trump is going to be impeached, or resign…I’m convinced now. It’s either that, or he is going to lose in a landslide in 2020.

Wishful thinking? No, actually, because I do NOT want that to happen…sure, GOP lose the coming elections by huge margins…but I do not want my country to go through the firestorm of an impeachable presidency. We’re divided enough.

I hope it’s all bullshit.

I just know it isn’t…

Artwork tonight is from Paul Lehr.