Truth time: it’s been a rough week, y’all. I’ve done my writing a total of two days this week, and even then, it was weak sauce. Sigh…

My instinct is to treat tomorrow as a binge writing day, but as I sit here tonight, I realize that’s a bad idea. Not only will that likely just put pressure on my shoulders and squash the enjoyment of my creativity, it’s also likely just setting myself up for failure.

So…how do I balance that out? Believing in myself and just diving in and getting shit done…and putting too much on my plate at once? I don’t have a good answer for that question yet.

Except, I guess, to just take a deep breath, set some goals for myself, and just to do my best.

So, that’s what I’m going to do.

First up is fixing a dialogue scene that’s way, way too long. Then, it’s stringing together a sequence that has been my stopping point now two times in a row…and there has to be something to that, so tomorrow we’ll see if we can write ourselves out of (or is it into) that mental sand trap.

I also realized something today, too…there IS another option with this particular project…and that is to put it aside for a while and work on something else. I want to be clear: I am not quite at the point yet. Believe it or not, there IS a light at the end of the tunnel for this book. I *did* actually fix the very beginning of this book that was giving me so many problems, and I *can* fix this early-middling part too…but it was somehow comforting to know that there IS another option out there if I need to use it. I do get to play by my own rules, and I can do whatever the fuck I want 😛

And in that spirit…Imma go to fuggin bed. Night, night!

Artwork tonight is from Wayne Barlow…it just made me think of Stranger Things for some reason. I dig it 🙂