90 days. 90 Consecutive days is how long I’ve been writing this blog, this daily mind barf 😛

It’s been fun. For reals. It’s been easy, too, to be honest with you. It wasn’t a habit that was a struggle. I’m not sure why it came so easy, except perhaps, that I was just ready for it.

The Incrediblog had been rattling around in my head for quite a while before I actually pulled the trigger and made this thing. I’d been wanting a place to kind of just dump everything that was on my mind. If I put it on here, see, I can’t forget it. I don’t have to hold onto it because I know its here. All my ideas, or likes, or fun things…I can just keep them here. The daily blog helps me keep my history…I don’t have to wonder what headspace I was in 90 days ago. I can go back and look. I don’t have to wonder what sort of goals I was setting, or ideas I had. I can go back and look. I don’t have to try and hold onto them in my brain. I can relax that part of my memory and use it for other things.

Am I saying I’ll definitely go another 90 days? Probably. But, maybe not. I never put that sort of burden on this thing. It’s not the most important aspect of this blog, the consecutive streak. Sure, I like posting that number up there, it’s a nice reminder of the progress I’ve made. But, there will come a time when I’m too busy doing something else, like making a TV show or a movie, or something like that, where I will have to miss a day.

But, for now, the number 90 is a nice milestone. It’s the first time I’ve actually accomplished anything like a 90-day challenge. Took me 31 years, but I did it. I’ve come very very close before, but never quite to 90 days. So, it is certainly a significant number. A better 90 would be 90 scripts written. Or 90 pages of my novel I’m going to write this summer (unless something else more important comes up, like a job). But, this 90 still means consistency, and that is all that matters. 10,000 hours; that’s been a big theme for me on this blog, and what 10,000 hours really means is consistency. If I put in the work, consistently, the mastery will come. There’s no secret beyond that.

I’m still sick, this is true, but today was a good day nonetheless. I’m getting back into the rhythm of working that I had before the holiday break. I’ve just decided that I need to declare here on my blog that unless I wake up tomorrow feeling *significantly* better, I will call my doctor and make an appointment to see him for some real drugs. So, there it is. I must do it now.

Tomorrow is a day off, and Liz has one too which is SO COOL. I’m completely planning on resting. Just being lazy with the Ho and the Coops. I do have three apartment showings, and we’ll be going to Cooper’s agility class, but that’s it. Rest, rest, rest. Next week will be a busy week of editing work, getting me caught up to finish out the month strong. And then, February…looking forward to starting fresh, and really biting into this new year of 2014.

That’s all for tonight. May all of you find your 90.

Tonight’s artwork is courtesy of Roger Dean.