Guys! I’m starting to feel better. Like, with actual energy and shit.

It’s freaking glorious. Honestly, it felt like forever ago when I was sitting here on a Sunday night, excited about having a normal week.

Last month was a bit of a disaster on the work side of things, which was completely because of the sickness. Yes, I 100% could have managed my symptoms better and not dug myself in such a deep hole, but all that is legitimately hard when you just don’t have energy to do anything.

But, now it’s a new month. And I’m sitting on the precipice of a new week, and all new goals. That’s something that I need to set in stone tomorrow: goals. What specifically I want to get done in each area of my life for the month of February.

Meeting my editing goals will *obviously* be on the top of that list. Maintaining, or reclaiming anyway, the momentum I found in the last quarter of last year.

Liz just interrupted to blogging to rail against “The Notebook.” I love her so much. We both agree that movie is literally a Hallmark movie-of-the-week with prettier people. Cuz that’s what it is. We also both agree that we can be very different from most people in certain ways.

Anyway…where was I? Yeah, goals. Gonna do that tomorrow, and I’ll post about that on here. The magic power of putting it here on the blog will make it so. I’m also putting on the blog that I will edit 20 minutes of finished product tomorrow. It will happen. I will not start February in the hole. Feels good to write that.

I think that’s all for tonight. I’m tired, in a good way…finally. Today was a great day, even if the Seahawks are Super Bowl champions, which sticks in my craw as a Niners fan. But, they also deserved to give the beatdown they did. In a way, it legitimizes how good my team is, because we beat them late in the season, and we were one touchdown pass away from beating them in the NFC title game. Denver obviously didn’t even come close to that.

Rivalries are good, at the end of the day. So, watch out NFL. The NFC west is better than anyone else on the field right now. I like that.

Also…Baseball is coming… 🙂

Tonight’s artwork is via Simon Wakelin.