It’s true, it is!

Artwork tonight is funky fresh, and from Steve R. Dodd.

The struggle is real, too. Day “off” today, which naturally means my mind at “rest” is racing through the pros and cons of where to focus my time right now. I don’t have an answer yet. I’m not sure what route to take…and every time I find myself having an “ah-ha” and thinking I have it pinned down one way or another…I think of something that swings me back.

I’m not stressed out about it yet too much, at least with the *time* that I’m taking to dwell upon it. I mean, the decision itself is super stressful…but this back and forth process is actually every decision I ever make it feels like, this time it’s just a lot more prolonged than usual.

I am definitely a very ponderous think-it-out kind of guy…but I’m also very decisive. When I feel like I’ve come to a decision about what I really want, man, I don’t waste my time hemming and hawing after that. I go for it. If it’s a mistake, then the only way I can learn from it is to just get there as soon as I can and then re-assess. And…ultimately, that will be this decision, too. I’m going to reach a point where it’s clear where my future lies, at least at that moment in time, and I’m going to take off in that direction.

The snuggle is real because Coops just spent almost an hour draped over my ankle as I was editing together our anniversary trip video. I decided just to put all the footage together in one go since it’s all there anyway. Plus, it’s meant to be a “special” video too, not one of my usual video blogs.

Man, I don’t know why I prefer to use the term “video blog” as opposed to “vlog”…I just do. I think it’s one of those intentionally outdated sayings I like to use sometimes for comedic or self-depricating effect.

I’m also going to bed on time tonight, which is always a treat. I spent the aforementioned half-hour/hour putting the video together, and I now I’m writing this all ready for bed and it’s only 11:30. That’s awesome 🙂

Not much really happened today; I took a nap in the morning after doing some building stuff…I walked the dogs twice, helped panda with her two auditions…got some editing work done…watched a little bit of Topaz by Hitchcock, which has been on the DVR for a while. I love watching old movies off the DVR, actually since they’re in HD on the premium movie channels. Some of these movies are Blu Rays that I’d never actually shell the money out for, or probably even wait for Netflix to deliver to me…so it’s a treat to see them in such detail.

Tomorrow…more of the same probably. I’m going to try and have a little more structure to it, but nothing crazy. About half an hour give or take of some editing work…clean the house…mostly rest. Think about the thinks and see if I can’t come to a decision on where I’m going to focus my effots.

Anywho…that’s all for tonight. Catch you crazy kids tomorrow 😉