Day 733: The New Normal

Day 733: The New Normal

Halloween-inspired artwork tonight from Nick Hyde. Today…well, it wasn’t a “normal” day because it was the first day that I worked my new job for a solid 12 hours…but, it was a FULL day of work, which FEELS normal now that I’m...
Day 732: Near Disaster

Day 732: Near Disaster

Today was the day that Ira *almost* broke his livelihood. So, I don’t actually know what happened…which isn’t the most ideal of situations…but it’s fixed now, so I suppose I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth (that one is for...
Day 731: Tie Tie

Day 731: Tie Tie

I’m wiped out. Day started early. I went over the hill to the Netflix offices in Beverly Hills…because I’m now doing contract work for them. That’s the new gig! Exciting, right? It’s definitely been a while coming, but good things come to...
Day 729: Penultimate 

Day 729: Penultimate 

Paul Lehr did tonight’s deliciously retro artwork. Tomorrow, you guys…tomorrow is 2 years to the day that I started this daily deluge of mind-puke-ness…this journey through my fears and my triumphs and my random thoughts and my likes and my dislikes....