Artwork tonight from Philippe Druillet.

Today was an awesome work day. Both on the editing front, and on the writing front.

I have my cold open. I’m ahead of schedule on the editings. Life is good, baby. And, I’m going to get some more work done tomorrow, too. There will be some apartment stuff, but mostly I’ll be able to sit down and do some writing, clean the house, and just be a general badass about life.

Twas another hot one today. Hit 97º, or at least that’s what me little watch said about it. I watched a bit of the Voyager tonight…I ended season 5 and now we’re into season 6. I still think that season 4 is the best season of that show. Season 5 was pretty good, too, but I think they peaked during the 4th season. Great stuff in season 3, too…I think. I’d have to go and look at a list of the episodes, to be honest 😛

That reminds me that I need to also sit down and brainstorm ideas about what to send into the Trek short story contest. I should READ some of the winning Trek short stories, actually, shouldn’t I? Yeah, okay, that shit is happening starting tomorrow. Get a lay of the land. See what’s worked before, and how maybe it may have changed in the interim. The last collection they did in print (this one will be eBook) was 2007. Eight years ago…that’s cray, right? Cray.

Honestly…it’s going to be a challenge for me to come up with  a short story idea. Especially after watching all the episodes this year of every Trek show EVER…so much has already been told, you know? SO MUCH. So many stories! What’s left to tell??? Well…there is, and I know I’ll find something. That’s honestly the beauty of the universe that Star Trek exists in; it’s inifintely large. It’s a canvas that any scene can be painted on, there are no rules or restrictions. Crime story? Sure. Frontier exploration story? Yup. Family drama story? Go ahead. It’s all fair game. That’s what drew me to Trek in the first place. I’ll figure something out…

That’s THREE projects, you guys…well, FOUR if you count doing a rewrite of Starstuff, which is *definitely* happening sooner than later. Perhaps even before I do the next Starstuff novel…so, yeah, four: Starstuff rewrite, next Starstuff novel (currently outlining), Trek short story, and the Icarus rewrite…not in that order. Icarus rewrite is happening first. Then the novel for the next Starstuff book, then I START that book, outline the Trek short, write the Trek short, and then start the Starstuff rewrite. I can write the novel concurrently with another smaller side project. I know I can. I’ve done it before.

Throughout all that…the editing bonanza continues. This two-days-on two-days-off schedule has been awesome. Not only does it allow for some flexbility, but it’s keeping me pretty damn productive. The safety net to fall back into if things go haywire schedule-wise, like they did this week, is vast and easy to bounce back from. I feel much calmer about everything. I’ll feel MUCH better once I actually get this draft of Icarus done and I get into writing the novel. THEN I will feel reeeaaalllly in the groove…

Things to look forward to!

I feel good because I’m writing. That’s honestly the truth. Thinking about all the business stuff ties me up in anxiety knots…I’ll have to surmount that here soon, and I will. I really will. Maybe even Tuesday. We’ll see. <– that’s my number one phrase on this blog, you guys. “We’ll see.” Well, we WILL, won’t we?! Becuase I write every day 😛

Night y’all. Catch you on the flip.