Today was exactly what I needed. Perhaps not quite enough rest, but otherwise pretty goddman perfect.

Woke up on time, walked the pups and ate breakast, and then I sat down at my computer to do the bit of work done I needed to get done. Both editing and writing. I’ve found that’s the trick; get my necessary work done right off the top of the day. If I get in more later on, awesome. If not, well, I did my minimum.

It was more outlining work on the Icarus rewrite today. Got through the cold open and about half way through the first act. I figure I can get through all four (or five) acts in about another 7 days, if I just get in my hour-a-day. That’s not half bad. The, maybe another week to write it, and a few days after that to polish. Then it’s sent off again for more notes, and more changes…and then I think it’s ready to set aside. And to be used as a bonafide writing sample and calling card. A resume, even.

The Blue Jays and the Royals squared off today in the first game of the ALCS. I honestly think it’s KC’s series to lose, as I think I’ve said on these very pages a couple days ago. Even though Toronto has the crazy firepower…KC has the pedigree. They’ve done it before. They lost in the world series, sure, but they’ve been there. I hope Toronto wins, just because their offense is that historic, and I definitely have no love for the Royals, the team that dropped my team last year.

The Royals won. And with one of their lesser starters, too. Not good tidings. My gut says KC wins. I hope I’m wrong 😛

More of the same tomorrow, with hopefully a little more rest. I need it.

I took two Benadryl tonight about an hour and a half ago, and holy shit, it’s kicking in. Allergies were a bit on the fritz today, and I didn’t want to take any chances. It also means the eyelids are currently 10,000 pounds apiece. It’s time for the sleeps.

Till tomorrow!