Ethereal artwork tonight from John Harris.

That question mark is up there because we’ll see how I feel in the morning…but right now as I actually sit down to write this entry, I feel a little bit better.

It is *definitely* allergies, y’all. There is no question. I go outside, and sneeze my brains out. So…if knowledge is power, that means the next time the weather changes, I need to be fucking ready with some goddamn industrial-strength allergy meds. Head that shit off at the pass.

Sorry for all the cursing…don’t know what’s into me tonight 😛 Probably the Benadryl.

Every time I mention that I took sleepy meds, I feel like I’m admitting to drug use. Like, “oooooo, look at me, I took pink pills to zonk me out, I’m soooo coooool.” Except it’s Benadryl. For allergies. Not cool.

I worked today, not all the work I wanted to do, but work nonetheless. A solid 6 or 7 out of the 10 I wanted to get done. I can make that shit up tomorrow. See! There with the cursing again. That was entirely involuntary, too.

Then Ryan and Lisa showed up from out of town (it was planned, they didn’t just pop up on my doorstep :P) and I opted to spend some time with them as opposed to working in my hovel of an office. Wise decision. I thought maybe for a minute that they’d be staying with me for a few days, but alas, they’re convention is all the way down in Anaheim, and they’ll be in a hotel down there because that makes way more sense than commuting from Sherman Oaks. So, they’re only here tonight! Had to spend time with them. We watched Horrible Bosses 2, and then the first 10 minutes or so of Howard the Duck, which I remember seeing as a FOUR YEAR OLD and it freaked the living shit out of me. Even now watching it, that movie is crazy. As an adult. Four year old me is kicking back being all “yeah, what did I tell you?”

Tomorrow is a rest day. Get some of that work done I didn’t finish today, both Remilon and Netflix…and relax. Take a nap or two. Try to get feeling better and nip this nasty business in the bud before it turns into anything secondary.

Wish me luck, guys! Wish me luck.