Artwork tonight is from Peter Elson.

A really solid work day today. This decision to start my day with my writing hour has been genius. For reals.

I mean, I know what you’re thinking, oh regular-blog-reader of mine…”but, haven’t you already had that epihpany, like, last year?” Yes…it’s true. I did. BUT…in my defense, I went through a stretch this year where the editing work was really, really challenging. The main reason for my failure was not starting my days off with a bang, getting behind early. So, I fixed it. I made sure I focused on getting the editing work days started off on the right foot. The writing got shuffled to the back of the line.

Well…not any more. The editing work is cruising. The writing had been a challenge…especially with my new work setup, doing Netflix. Because it’s new and I’m not so used to it, I was finding myself totally drained at the end of the day last week. No stamina left. Nothing in the tank for a writing hour. And that doesn’t work, yo. Not at all. The writing must happen on ALL days, “off” and “work” alike.

So, here we are. Back where we started from. I got through the last fully original scene I needed to write for Act 1 of the Icarus pilot, which meant I got to copy and paste the rest of the scenes and holy hallelujah baby jesus, it was the right number of pages. Now, the scenes need some work which I’ll tackle tomorrow, the ones I copied and pasted, but still. Precisely the right number of pages! That will make getting it’s final form the proper length that much easier. It was a huge relief.

It boggles my mind how much story is getting packed into this pilot. I don’t just mean “plot,” because in that regard, not a whole lot happens, but STORY? A poop ton. So much more packed in there per page than when I started. I mean, probably 4 or 5 times more. Holy crap, right? I mean, THAT is a testament to rewrites, guys. Rewrites. They suck. But they are so necessary.

I feel like I’m on a roll…a “roll” I’d like to stick with as the new normal, in fact. I should start counting the days. Or totalling the hours…I think I like that, actually. There will be days that writing doesn’t happen every so often…so maybe it’s about setting a goal for writing hours to be accomplished each month…hmmm. New idea. I might like it. I might like it a lot. We’ll see.

Time for the sleepy sleeps. I’m actually writing this out in the living room right now because the Ho is getting some narrations done in the bedroom. She just texted me and asked if I would heat up some water for her. Her tum-tum is not happy tonight. Poor bear. I think she actually has a fairly sensitive tummy, all things considered. If I think about how many times I have tummy-troubles in the course of a year and how many times she does? It’s probably 10x more often on her end. Or maybe it’s just that she tends to be a more adventurous eater than I am, or eats out more often. That’s actually probably more likely 😛

Anywho…good day today. Looking forward to another good work day tomorow. I still feel like I’m floating somewhat with this new routine, this new job…BUT…it’s not nearly as bad as it was last week. Here’s to adjusting to change!

Good night.