Jean-Claude Hadi did tonight’s artwork.
First of all, it is muthaeffin coooollllddddd. For LA. Which really means not-cold…but it’s all relative, guys! You get used to things being a certain way!

It’s currently 390 outside right now. That’s only 7 degrees away from freezing! It’s cold for LA, okay?

Second…I am almost done with my Trek short story. Very, very excited about that. The first draft, anyway. But, the most arduous, longest draft. I was able to articulate some thing clearly today at the high point of the drama, and that’s always nice. The story should have a very clear emotional arc, and I’m excited about that. Very important. Any story lives and breathes through its characters, and characters must FEEL things, you know? Of course you do.

I also got all my narrations done today. That’s one day down, five more to go. Plus a full week of Netflix work. Yikes. But, I can do it. I am determined. The only thing that sucks about this narration work is the physical toll it takes. I can’t ever manage to find quite the right setup to record with that doesn’t make my neck, shoulders and lower back tighten up after an hour or so. But, whatever. I can make it work.

We did all our Christmas shopping today, which was later than usual, but now it’s done. Very excited about that. One more thing to order for my brother Seth, and one thing to go and pick up for my mom, but otherwise, we’re all good. Done. In an evening on the couch. How freaking amazing is that? Pretty damn amazing.

Did the laundry, vacuumed the house…it was a good day. A long day. Hopefully I have time tomorrow to take a nap 😛 That would be ideal. But we’ll see. I’m in the home stretch.

Very, very excited that I’m actually close to the finish line with this short story. I feel like I’m finally accomplishing somethign this year…finally. It feels good. I feel like myself again. That’s why I know that focusing on writing my own projects was the right call, because it makes me feel the happiest. I can complete a project. It’s not that I need to complete projects on my own, that’s not what I mean…I’d happily write for television on a staff were I ever lucky, persistent and fortunate to do so…I just mean that FINISHING is the most important thing to me it seems, and with prose, I can finish on my own, whenever I want.

That’s all I got tonight, guys. Except that the new Trek movie trailer dropped today…and I have my doubts. Big ones. It looks cheap.

Good night. See you crazy kids tomorrow.