My god…what an epic day.

I did work! I did…some…not as much as I *should* have, but work WAS done.

I watched the original trilogy today, the “despecialized” versions in full HD…the original cuts of the movie they keep floating that will eventually be released but still haven’t…the versions I grew up on as a kid. It was really wonderful. Took me back to when I watched them as a kid.

I’d seen Star Wars, the first one, in bits and pieces starting when I was 6 years old. I remember Jadon had a copy, probably rented by his parents, and he put it on because it was the coolest movie he’d ever seen. I was immediately entranced by it…we got up to the point where Kenobi cuts the guy’s arm off in the cantina, and then I must have had to go home because I didn’t see more of the movie for a long time after that. And even then, I don’t think it was the whole thing. Bits and pieces.

What I do remember VERY clearly was watching the trilogy for the first time with my brothers. We were living in Ferndale, and our library had the trilogy on VHS for free…and I saw it there, and we rented it. We watched The Empire Strikes Back first, actually, because the first movie had been checked out. Well, I’d never seen ANY of Empire…and it blew my freaking mind. As did Return of the Jedi which I think we ran back to get the very next day. Oh, man, was that awesome, watching those movies. I was 11, I think. Maybe 12. I remember being terrified every time Vader came on screen in that movie. In Empire, dude kills someone in practically every scene we see him in!

Anyway, that stroll down memory lane was a very fond one. We rented those VHS tapes probably a dozen times each before the movies were re-released in…’97, I think? Yeah, 20th anniversary was when they did it, right? And then the prequels came when I was in high school. ’99, right? Something like that…

I won’t talk much about the new movie The Force Awakens because I don’t want to spoil anything, but I will say this: I really enjoyed it. I had some issues, which I knew that I would…JJ and I just don’t see eye to eye on some stuff, I guess…but he really nailed our new pair, well, really trio, of heroes…and I’m looking forward to watching them again. That’s really all it takes for me, you know? Make me fall in love with the characters and you have me. The Force Awakens had me. Especially Ray. She was FABULOUS.

That’s all I’ll say. I’m pleased. Content. Tired.

Good night!