Man, it rained almost all day today. How wonderful that was. I love the sound of it, I love the smell of it, I love how it cools off the air and fills it with moisture. It’s so different than the usual LA air, it’s sweeter and nicer to breathe. It also reminds me of home. It rains so much up in Humboldt. I used to hate how much it rains up there, and I probably would if I still lived up there…but down here, it’s a rare treat.

Got my editing work done today. No writing. First day in a while…but it’s okay. I really needed today to take it easy, and I did, for the most part. I did my editing work to keep me from working for 16 hours on Friday, and I called it good. Had some actual leisure time for the first time in a while, planned leisure time, anyway.

Got to hang out with the Ho tonight. We watched an episode of the X-Files…I don’t know, what would you call it? Reboot? Comeback? Reunion? I’ll go with Reunion…anyway, watched last week’s episode of that, and it was meh. Mostly, it’s fun watching these episodes because the band is back together again, and we remember how freaking good it used to be. That’s still enough to watch for now. It is enough. I can see the bad, remember how bad the show actually got back in the day, and how this is really an extension of THAT…the bad-ness…but just seeing them back on screen together is still enough for me. For now.

I’m writing this so early tonight…I want to get some writing done. I’m also realizing really how much I’m missing writing prose. I really, REALLY need to get back to that ASAP. Something to consider…perhaps I should write my next book and edit Starstuff at the same time, as opposed to just working on one of them…I am without question the happiest when I am writing new words every day/night. Particularly prose. It’s the rhyhtm of it, the wordplay, and the description. It brings alive the stories in my head like no other medium…even writing these entries every night doesn’t seem like enough.

I’m wracking my brain right now, trying to grasp something that passed through my thoughts today that doesn’t have to do with my daily grind, and I’m having a hard time 😛 I suppose it wasn’t so extra-spective of a day today…let me look at my Twitter feed…oh! Yes…here’s something, albeit not very “high-minded” I’m afraid 😛 Kanye West…he’s been on a Twitter rant this past weekend, asking Mark Zukerberg (on Twitter, ironically) for a billion dollars to launch a major company that would tackle *everything*…and when I say everything, I mean the kind of scope that a legit crazy person would consider…shoes laces and holograms in the same breath type scope…and here’s my take on it: Kanye West is on drugs. Seriously. He’s having some kind of emotional meltdown right now, and he’s high as a fucking kite. Or he’s having a manic episode. I guarantee it. That kind of erratic behavior only comes from mental illness, drugs, or both at the same time. And that…just kind of makes me feel sad. Sad that there’s this platform now that is so much more public than it ever was before where someone can put their personal emotional issues on display. It’s the other side of this communication and connectivity reality we live in now that has so many incredible upsides…one of the downsides is that it can reveal so much more about someone’s personal life, even if by their own doing, than was ever possible before.

Anyway, it’s an odd sentiment, I know, feeling sad for a raving celebrity. But, I can’t help it, it’s what I feel every time something like this happens. A person making a fool of themselves is usually a person in need of help, whether they want it or not. Or even deserve it.

Tomorrow, the rain continues early on, and the Schnoops goes in to get some recall work done. Then, the writing continues, the editing as well, and Josh and I meet for some Trek Time. Good night!