Remember it! For i’twas a day in which the writing was GOOD.

Well…I *hope* it was good 😛 I guess I mean it FELT like it was good. Really good. And the music I was listening to was good. These are the best days.

I had a flash of inspiration whilst out walking the pups. It was dark already, because the Ho and I had gone out to pick up my car from the shop when I’d usually be out walking dem pups. The Schnoops: he turned out to be fine. Has some wonky tires that will cost a couple hundred, but otherwise he’s looking nice and fresh. That was nice to hear. If I’d been the type to just listen to the dealership, I’d have new spark plugs and new brakes. And they’d have been unwarranted. That’s the advantage of having a badass mechanic, kids. Find one. They’re like gold.

Anyway, back to the inspiration; it was about a scene in Act 4…a scene I didn’t even realize that I’d wanted to rework. I think it was already working, in fact, but as I was walking, a different version of the conversation sprang into my head, and it felt like it was cutting much deep than I knew what I had. So, I went home and it kicked off a 90-minute writing sesh that felt really, really good.

Still one page over on Act 4, and still one scene to rework and tighten up. It’s the second scene of the act, and it’s not working. I know it in my guts. Not a total strip-down and rebuild…no, more of a renovation. Then, onto Act 5. Act 5 is currently FOUR pages over. Fuuuuuck. We’ll get it down. CAN. DO. Guys. Can do.

Tonight’s worldly talk comes down to leadership. We’ve been having an issue the past couple weeks with Cooper getting all up in Coco’s grill when it comes time to go to bed. It’s another little sign that he’s got some pent up anxiety and aggression – I also see it happen on our walks sometimes when he sees big dogs. Well, the Ho and I hashed out some stuff we could do about it today, and I saw the fruits of that labor immediately on our walk this morning. I put out the energy that I was leading the walk, and that he was going to follow me and do what I say…and he was so much happier and more relaxed, both on the walk and afterwards. It made me think about leadership.

Another thing that made me think about leadership was the the Ho was telling be about this really interesting doc she watched about Katie Perry and setting up the Super Bowl show…an odd parallel on my part, perhaps, but it was that Liz was really struck by how directly Katie Perry was involved in every aspect of that show…like every tiny detail…

And, see, that’s what people actually want. It’s true, we do. What people REALLY want is a leader to tell them what to do, and tell them with respect. You could call it “love,” too, I suppose…but I really think it’s more respect. To show someone respect is to recognize that they have value. And, to to lead someone is to give someone purpose and direction. I know that first sentence about telling people what to do SOUNDS like I’m saying that humanity is a bunch of sheep…but that’s not at all what I mean. What I mean is that we all crave purpose and respect…and that is what a good leader provides her or his followers.

It also occurs to me now that a good leader also always keeps their cool. They’re always confident a solution will be found, and that any problems can be dealt with. THAT part of  leader is incredibly important to dogs. It was that calm confidence that I tried to project onto Cooper today, and he clearly does much better when I’m able to achieve that.

It was just another reminder that dogs are a really striking mirror for ourselves, they’re so incredibly sensitive to us, they reflect us back to ourselves. And much can be learned about how to live a happy life by learning how to be a good leader for your dog. The two are inseparable.

So…thank you to Mr. Coops and Ms. Coco. They make me a better hooman. And thanks to the Ho, for always making me think about things in a different way.

Good night!

Ps – I *love* tonight’s artwork. Them dudes with the blow torches better hurry! Will they get the dame out to safety in time?!

Pps – YES. Today, smack dab in the middle of fixing the Schnoops and the walking and the writing…was an impromptu afternoon spend with the Ho. Lunch at “Home,” a badass nap with the pups, some groceries bought. It was *awesome*. I give it credit for having such a nice writing sesh 😉