I went with the Ho over the hill to the Grove today…my old stomping grounds. I don’t think I’ve actually been there…well, it’s probably not as dramatic as the last night that I worked at Maggiano’s…but it’s gotta be fairly close. A year? Two years? The Magg is still there. Of course. Still slingin pasta.

We went to the Apple Store to pick up something, and I fiddled around a wee bit with the new smaller version of the iPad Pro, which I’ve basically decided I want in my life. I have to figure out how to PAY for one…but I think I can do it. Just keep the money tight between now and June-ish and I think I can swing it. Now, *why* would I splurge on such a thing, given that I clearly have a iPad already that I’m writing on right now…? The selling point is almost entirely the fact that I can take written notes with the new iPad. I have a stylus for this baby that I never ever use because it sucks a dick. Impossible to write with. The new pencil that Apple created for the new iPads, on the other hand, is dope. Writes like a dream. I could take notes on my novel for a rewrite without ever needing to turn a page…and just ADD pages when I get to the bottom of one instead of having these awkward gaps between sections because I never know how many notes I’ll have under each category. The second reason is that this iPad is now three years old, which is about how long Apple products last before they start to lag with new updates. I realize that’s kind of bullshit and entirely a scheme of planned obselenscence…but it is nonetheless true. And I really enjoy writing on my iPad. I want to keep doing so.

That just made me think that I really, REALLY want Scrivener to finally come out with a fucking iPad app. That would be very, very helpful. I really like that program’s ability to break up each chapter into it’s own document almost, and the note-taking and outlining functions. I like all that stuff enough to perhaps even WRITE in the program from beginning to end. Maybe.

Speaking of the writes…I went to the Writers’ group meeting tonight. We had tacos, and they were the tits. And some really interesting stuff tonight being read. It’s always a very fun mixture of people’s own writing and other people’s writing. I found myself sitting there and listening to people reading their pieces and thinking about how this kind of gathering has been going on for literally thousands of years. And it’s endured that long because it’s awsome. It’s fun, it’s stimulating, it makes you think and imagine, and it makes you share and laugh and be vulnerable…it’s kind of magical, really.

Anyway…time for the sleeps. Catch you bitches tomorrow.