I outlined today and it was GLORIOUS. I think I have a title for my new novel. My second novel. I won’t type it here, sadly, in case I decide to change it later on. I just ran it by the Ho, and she approves. It ties in directly with the big theme of the story, and I choked up a bit when I first thought of it this morning, which is *usually* a good sign. Not always, actually…which I’ve now learned…but usually. Means I’m on to something that really means a lot to me.

Netflix work all day every day, yo. Today was a looooooong long day. Yes. I’ve been saying that a lot lately…well, it’s true, aight! Long day.

Oh, and the Warriors lost. I think they might be toast. Best season ever for an NBA team…and they don’t look like a team good enough to beat OKC and advance to the finals. Three in a row is a tough fucking mountain, yo. Makes me a bit sad. And apparently the A’s lost too. 2-run homer in the bottom of the 9th. What is up with Bay Area sports, yo?!

Phew. That’s all I got tonight. Very, very happy I sat down and did my writing today. Even though it was a crazy ass day of work, I feel accomplished that I did that one thing.

Anywho, that’s it for tonight. Liz is going to do some dramatic readings of this guy who does GoT recaps. They’re hilarious.

Good night 😉