Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. I wrote today. Not much, but I did. I wrote about the villains of Starstuff, articulating, or at least *attempting*, what their individual driving forces are. Their strengths, and their weaknesses. It’s an activity that I’m debating, actually going back and forth on, whether I should do this BEFORE I write my next novel, or if this is something that’s best done once I’ve actually spent some time with these people and written them out to a large extent. I’m genuinely not sure which is the better route. For this project, obviously, it’s coming during the rewriting stage. But, we’ll see about next time. We’ll see how well it works. How about that?

Did my writing hour first thing, as the writing gods intended, and then went about the rest of my work day which was very productive. Got several titles done on my trailers list for the Flix. Did some Narrations too, squeezed in here and there. And then I had some time in the evening to actually sit back and watch some of the baseball game, and then partake of the Independence Day impromptu viewing that was happening in the living room with the Ho and Dayna.

I have a new goal, too for my writing: to go a month straight without missing my writing hour in the morning. And I do think that the “morning” part of that is crucial. I really do. That’s the habit that I want to form. Same time every day. This is when I write. Make it automatic, like writing this blog has become at the end of my day. I don’t have to plan it, I don’t have to think about it, I just DO it. I’m not sure how long they say it takes to form a habit, but I’m going to start with 30 days. And really, guys, I think if I can stick to just focusing on sitting down for that hour EVERY DAY…I don’t think I’ll have to set many goals beyond that. The work will flow.

I’m also doing some brainstorming about what I can do to put in some “directed practice” to expand my tools as a writer and hone my skills. I’m honestly not sure what I should do in that regard, particularly because directed practice really requires a teacher of some kind to provide feedback. So, maybe that’s what I do tomorrow…decide WHEN in the day this directed practice is going to take place, and do some research on how to do that with some expert feedback.

I also, now that I’m thinking about it, need to do a follow-up email and/or letter with this woman who gave me feedback on Icarus a week ago now. Thank her for her time, and offer my services as an assistant should she or her company ever find themselves in need. I’m going to promise myself that I take care of that this week. Thursday. You heard it here, folks. This is the kind of stuff that starts careers. Try to get your foot in however you can.

Okay…so that’s all I got tonight folks. Tomorrow, more work. More writing. More narrating. And more time at the end of the day to just chill out.


Ps- Two Guys One Trek is chugging along, man. Met some new people today, and we seem to be clocking in somewhere around 75 or so downloads/listens per day. That’s crazy! No idea if that will keep up, but enjoying it at the moment.

Artwork tonight from Dan McPharlin.