Tried out a new workday schedule today…and surprise surprise, feeling pretty GD wiped 😛

I need to work out, you guys. Like, get on that shit and do it every day. It occurrs to me that it’s kind of funny that I decided to actually start following through on that when the Olympics are on…genuinely hadn’t considered that until this very moment 😛 But, whatever, right? It’s something I’ve been eyeing since back in April, I think. Got to do it. Get that heartrate up. It’ll make me live longer and healthier. And have more energy…

…eventually. I was pretty wiped all day. Not sure why. I’m sure working out had something to do with it, but I was actually sleepy since sitting down to write this morning. Blech. I think I just haven’t completely recovered from being sick. Still. Two weeks later.

But writing today! It started out kinda “meh” and not positive like I ended yesterday…but I powered through and was determined to work my whole time…and it WORKED. I ended up discovering some great stuff and walked away from writing today feeling so much more positive. Guys, writers, people out there trying to get that writing done and feeling like shit about it…what they say about “just keep powering through it” really, really is the truth. If you don’t stop and you just KEEP GOING…you’ll work through whatever funk you find yourself in. Eventually. I’m sure some funks are bigger than others, and sometimes you just have to keep powering ahead for a little while to stumble upon what you were looking for, and sometimes that journey will take longer and have more detours…but it really is true: you have to keep working. Write down all the shitty ideas, keep moving forward until you find the solution.

Right now on the TV is US Women’s Beach Volleyball, which of course gets big billing on the broadcast because of how dominant we’ve been the last three Olympics. They’re crushing it right now, especially Kerri Walsh-Jenning’s new partner April Ross. New duo this year, breaking up the dream team. But man, new girl is killin it.

So, I think I like this new schedule for the work days…but we shall see. I like having my evenings to relax, which is what this new schedule does. I work through the whole work week, BUT, I get to have my evenings free starting around 7pm.

The Ho just created herself a hack for this stamping apparatus she was considering buying…she opted for the DIY instead, and it looks and works amazing! She’s cleaning up right now and walking around the apartment in disbelief that it turned out so well. That’s always a nice feeling, when something comes together even better than you thought it would.

Can I also take a moment here to say how much I like typing on this keyboard. Legitimately. Love it.

Okay…I think that’s all I got tonight. Rewrites are moving apace on Starstuff. I’ll be done with character post-its added to my outline cards and make a good dent on setting post-its tomorrow. Then my “other” notes will probably take a couple days…so we’re realistically looking at being finished with the revised outline by the weekend, and then it’s writing in actual changes to the manuscript…then typing them in…and then doing a line edit. Those last two will certainly take a while…but I think I’m going to be “finished” with Starstuff, at least getting it editor-ready, by my birthday. Happy mother fucking birthday to me. That will be amazing. Then…I think I hire someone to edit it, and the rewrites start again from there…and I’ll get to move on to my second novel at the same time. Oh, and have to do some detailed outlines for the next two books in the Starstuff series.

I mean…that’s some real writer-talk right there, y’all. All this time…I just needed to sit down and do it every day.

Feeling very empowered, y’all.

Time for some sleeps.

Oh, and the US women’s volleyball team just won their match in two straight sets over the Chinese. I think it’s still the first round of competition, but still. Yeah, they just said they have to win five more matches to get back to the gold podium. USA! USA! USA! USA!

Artwork tonight from Les Edwards.