Had a solid work day today. Man, I just had trouble typing right there for a second. How weird, it was like all the sudden my keyboard wasn’t the right size…

Do you guys remember TYPING classes, back in the day. This would be for any of my fellow 30-year-olds. They would teach us that in school. I remember I learned on this program where you were driving a car down the road and you had to type what was being scrolled across the screen, and for each mistake that you made, a bug would splatter on your “windshield.” This must have been…1995? 96? And I remember that they made such a big deal about learning and practicing how to do it…and now? Dude, I think we all type so much in our everyday lives that we don’t even think about it anymore. I don’t need to practice typing, because I’m doing it ALL THE TIME. Anyway…stroll down ol’ memory lane, there.

Writing went well. I’m done with setting post-its and I’m on to “other” which is a range of stuff from random bits and pieces here and there, to IDing pacing issues as I was reading. I remember starting out this rewriting process thinking that I didn’t really have THAT much to rewrite…but dude…I have notes and changes for every single scene, in every single category (plot, character, setting, other). No joke. Every single scene. And…somehow, I’m very happy about that. It means I’ve ID’d something that can be improved in every scene. That’s awesome.

Flix work went well today, too. Realized I have less time to get done what I’m supposed to get done, but no matter. Based on these first few that I’ve worked on so far, I’m pretty confident I can rip through them. Maybe even ahead of schedule. We’ll see, though. Never really know until you get down into the trenches. But on the surface, from up above, it seems very very doable.

Cruising along, yo. This week has definitely been an adjustment, with working out every day…have I mentioned that? That I’m doing a little workout every day this week…and from here to eternity, I think. Starting very small. Will add on from here. I definitely need to take it one step at a time. This body is NOT currently in shape. But I will get there. Anyway…I have been TIRED. Like, I was falling asleep at my desk today and had to take a little 30 minute snooze. Hits me around the same time every day, to be honest…around 3pm. But this week it has hit HARD.

Didn’t have time to watch the Olympics tonight with the Ho because she has two auditions tomorrow, but it wasn’t too bad. I’d already seen the big results of Phelps’ swim tonight and what happened with the gymnastics all-around. I freaking hate that. That just by being on social media, I get that spoiled for me because of the archaic way that NBC is broadcasting these Olympics with a time-delay. Apparently, they even time-delay it on the East Coast most of the time. I think NYC is…1 hour behind Rio? Like, what the fuck? Ugh.

Anyway…that’s all the ire and sharing I’ve got in me tonight. I’m sure there will be more tomorrow after a very long, but very productive work week.

Huzzah! Let’s finish this shit in style!

Artwork tonight is from Johnny Bruck.