OReally short one tonight since it’s after midnight. I just spent like 20 minutes agonizing over a stupid friggin hashtag on Twitter asking me to come up with my 7 favorite movies.

Why am I such a sucker for nerd-dom? I’d avoided it all day, but then my wifey asked me to come up with my 7, and I couldn’t resist.

My list went something like…

Star Trek II

Star Wars (og trilogy)

Indiana Jones (yes, the og trilogy)

Finding Nemo/like, half the Pixar library

The Professional (or Leon if you want to be cool and French about it)

The Thing (1982 – best remake of all-time)


…and Fellowship of the Ring because I’ve basically cheated already so why not just cheat again

Those are my stories, yo. And doing to stupid fucking little list just really reminded me of how much I really do love those movies. Like, I think about if someone were to try and take those stories away from me…I’d probably go to war for them. Seriously. I love those movies in the very core of me.

anywho…work day was successful today! I’m on track! Just have to keep it up for the next two weeks…wish me luck 😉

Oh! And writing was dope today. I finished my post-its…I’m, like a day or two of some miscellaneous brainstorming away from getting out that red pen and finally writing all this shit in!