Cooper is currently digging himself the perfect sleeping spot on the bed. The rascal. I was just thinking about how we really should get him, and Coco that matter, those neck-leads they use in dog shows or that Cesar Milan uses. He’s been aggressive lately on the walk, which is clear comes from him being an insecure dog and fearful and us not correcting that behavior consistently enough. But one way to really help that is to be walking him properly…which is what I realize that I’m not doing a good enough job with. Oh Coops…and with Coco, she doesn’t have enough structure on her walks either. She wants to stop and sniff everything and drag her feet from time to time…and too often I let her. It’s currently manifesting itself in some unwanted behaviors.

Dogs. They require constant structure, guys. Rules, boundaries, and limitations. And they’re not people, so we can’t treat them like they are. They clearly don’t think quite like we do, and we’re smart enough to figure that out and get inside their heads if we pay attention enough. I’m getting really good at reading and correcting both Coops and Coco in the house…but the walk can still be a struggle sometimes…and I was thinking that one of those neck leads might be what the doctor ordered. That, and just having a lot more structure and purpose to the walks than go to the bathroom and sniff the neighborhood.

Anywho…today was an atypical day. I had to go into the office to pick up some stuff and ended up spending a few hours there grabbing some stuff for the project I’m working on. I needed fresh drives to work from, and the people there actually had the stuff I needed for those drives, so we just took the opportunity to go ahead and transfer it all right then and there. We’re talking, like, 400GB of stuff. And so I got to hang out with them, which I very much enjoyed. It’s always nice to meet the team face-to-face when you’re a remote worker. I try to do that as much as I can.

The downside was, because of those few hours over the hill, it was after 3pm when I finally got home, and I still had all my work to do for the day. So, that meant cancelling with Josh, unfortunately, for TG1T. Sigh. But, he was understanding of my predicament, and we’re on for next week. It’s bound to happen every now and again when life it swirling all around us, you know? We stack everything into priorities, and sometimes certain things have to take precedence. I’ve decided recently, for example, the my writing needs to come first every day. The deadline on this work project was the sticking point today. It has to be done. I have to be done with a certain number of these titles by the time we leave Friday. Has to happen.

Writing was GOOD. I’m ready, READY to write in my changes into the manuscript and whittle all those notes and post-its away, one by one. The task of typing it all in is going to be maaaaasssiiiivvveeee…but I’m not gonna think about that shit right now. Focus on the task at hand.

Oh, and my brother started a Kickstarter today for this map set that he’s been working on-and-off for, like…five or six years? If not more than that? Anyway…it’s actually quite cool, and I highly recommend checking it out and possibly signing up to support. This iteration of the world/maps that he’s created are aimed at the tabletop gaming crowd, for sure, but they’re also really cool original pieces of art, so they may be of interest to really anyone. Proud of him. He’s got a decently-sized goal to reach, so help him out.

That’s all the news from Lake WoebeIra. I’ll catch you kids tomorrow.