I spent all day in the work office today, and not my one at home. I know! Like a real business man and errything.

I’m getting set up right now for the second phase of this project for the ‘Flix, and being able to grab the files that I need in person is waaaaaaay more efficient than downloading them from the Internet. We learned that the last time around. Plus, they had some other work they wanted done. So, I was in the office all day, yo!

Right now Liz is yelling at the Internet next to me. She didn’t win a planner contest, and another one hasn’t announced yet and it’s been a GD week. She’s throwing some sass. Justified from the sounds of it – that shit was supposed be up on the 19th. It’s now the 21st!

No writing today…there wasn’t time. Took me almost an HOUR to get into the Beverly Hills office today. Blech. Didn’t get home till just after 7pm. It was a big illustration to me of how challenging it would be to write and not work from home. The answer is: VERY HARD. Makes me not take my current situation for granted. I’m very, very, very grateful for my life as it is right now…I know it sounds like I’m not sometimes, but days like today really force me to remember than I *am*.

Very grateful.

I did some more looking into houses and property and all that kinda stuff today, and found some cool info. I didn’t know that there were special mortgage requirements for first-time home buyers. Did you know that? I did not. I’d like to investigate some statistics on that shit…but it was something that made my ears perk up and my eyes…lean forward? Something like that. I hadn’t heard of it. And now I do. I want to know more.

Anywho…lots of work ahead of me, and the Ho and I aren’t moving any time soon. We’re here for a while, so there’s time to save, and time to plan.

That’s all I got tonight. More tomorrow, kids. More tomorrow.
