The “off”-ness of the past couple weeks continued today, though still not with the anxiety/depression. That still is receding, which is a relief. But, things are definitely still “off.”

And, I know what it is, it’s very clear tonight as I sit here thinking about things: I need to just dive into this project I’m working on. It’s that simple. I’ve started it, but I need to further along into it…that’s where I find a rhythm, and a consistency.

So, that’s what I’m doing tomorrow! Huzzah! 🙂

It does bum me out a bit that I’ve had to work through this weekend, especially since next weekend is going to be a shitshow (in the most wonderful way possible – two friends are getting married). I worry about that messing up my rhythm, too…but I’ll just have to adapt. If I have a strong work week this week, I’ll be just fine. And I know I can.

I wrote today! Still not as much as I’d like, but I did some solid work. Again…I know I can tear through that work if I just get further into it. I really excel in the meat of a project, that nice middle. And especially at the end, when I’m usually scrambling to finish just in time 😛

So…the unsettled-ness continues, but I still have hope. I’m closer than I was a week ago.

Good night, y’all!