I’m voting for Hillary Clinton.

The Ho and I received our ballots today in the mail, and I’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party on November 8th. I am a registered Democrat. I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary election. I am also voting against Donald Trump…but I am not just voting against Donald Trump.

There are a few things about Hillary Clinton that I don’t like – chiefly among them are her ties to Wall Street, which was the main reason I voted for Bernie in the primary – the banks in our country do (almost) whatever the fuck they want because politicians are too deeply connected to those same banks to actually challenge them and balance their power – and I know that she will continue our foreign policies in the middle east that were set up by the Bush administration and continued by Obama. The policies that continue to deepen the quagmire our country has put itself in with 70 years of fuckery.

There are a lot of things that I love about Hillary Clinton. Her stance on healthcare is beyond compare. I believe in a socialized healthcare system. I know very personally and very closely several people from both Canada and the UK who’ve benefited from such an all-covering system, and without fail every single one of them thinks that our country is out of its mind for not adopting such a system. More importantly than anecdotal evidence, is that the data is irrefutable; it can be done. The only people who lose are the private insurance and drug companies, and their desperation for cash flow has us on a careening course towards disaster. The numbers tell the story.

Her stance on renewable energy sources is also above reproach. Make no mistake: fossil fuels are the energy of the past. Energy sources like the friggin sun are there for the taking, and we will. The facts tell me that climate change is real, it is happening, and we don’t know exactly how much it will change our world and our lives. The facts tell me that we do not have to let things get as bad as they might. We have the power (see what I did there?)

Her stance on taxes will be, I hope, the very first thing that she addresses when she takes office, with the support of a super majority in the house and maybe the senate. It sucks to pay taxes. No fucking question. But the fact that I pay what might be MORE than my fair share as a middle-income american, and our richest citizens pay FUCKING NOTHING is a goddamn outrage. And *that* has been the beating drum of the Democratic party for friggin ever. THAT is what I am for. Those with the most money to influence politics have used it to make sure they don’t pay taxes. Their biggest enabler, though make no mistake, I guarantee it happens on both sides…has been the Republican party. We do not need to give tax breaks for big business. It does not trickle down. It makes the rich get even richer. Again, just look at the numbers.

Her stance on education mirrors that of my own: we need more of it. Investing in education is the only way to keep a society moving forward. Education is the key for prosperity, equality, freedom…it’s the key to everything. History has shown us this over and over and over again. Education, education, education. Teachers should be some of the highest paid professionals in our country. We should be attracting the best minds to be our teachers. If I were a politician, that would probably be my life’s work: to raise their wages to that of lawyers or doctors…or at least highly skilled professionals like engineers. If you pay teachers like the best, you will attract the best, and our entire GD society will benefit for generations to come.

Those really, truly are the most important reasons what I am voting for Hillary and why I am a democrat and not a republican. After those comes these:

I take stock in science, not faith or belief.

Equality is important to me, as is listening to and supporting the voices of those who minorities in our country, whether it be gender, race, sexual orientation, other otherwise.

I believe that women continued to have a raw fucking deal, and that they should be treated with respect and equality…you know, like, as if they were a real person.

I believe in hope, positivity, progress, and society. I do not want to go back to the way things were. I want to move forward. I do not want to be fed hate, fear, and anger.

I believe in the future and I believe in change.

I think respect, decorum, and maturity are things that an elected official should exhibit when they address the people that elected/will elect them.

…Donald Trump is the antithesis of every single one of the things that I hold dear to me. That’s all I’m going to write about him because I believe that his actions and words speak for themselves.

As for the Republican party…if only things actually came down to keeping the federal government small and making sure its power was kept in check. But, I’m afraid that party has become a tool of the corporate america, and the part of america that sees education and science as a threat, and wants desperately to hold onto power for those with a certain color of skin, and a certain set of genitals. I can’t support that. I never have, and I never will. It’s written here in black and white, so I must hold myself to that.

So, that is why I vote for Hillary Clinton. My reasons are very clear to me. I’ve thought a lot about them. I hope you think about your reasons, too…and we shall see what happens on election day!