Just got home from rehearsal for Argeesht and Kristen’s wedding. It’s happening!

Liz and I were at the dinner where he worked up his courage to propose to her. About a year…and a half ago, I think? Time flies, you guys. So fast. Too fast.

This wedding will be our last of the year. Unless there are any elope-ings out there. I actually know someone who did that. In Vegas, too, of all places. Crazy, right? That ended in flames. *Almost* literally.

I am wiped tonight, y’all. I’ve worked six days in a row (with a podcasting night thrown in the mix) and I have one more day tomorrow. Sheesh. But…it’s a much, much, MUCH better wiped out feeling than being tired because I’m depressed and anxious. I’m not anxious. Just tired. It’s like a blanket that makes me want to sleep as opposed to a witch lady sitting on the top of my chest making it hard for me to breathe. Doesn’t have to be a witch lady. Could totally be a witch dude. Equal opportunity evil over here.

I’m listening to music right now to keep me awake as I write this entry, if we’re going to be super truthful. I keep getting distracted and listening for a few seconds, then coming back and forgetting what I was saying 😛

Work was good today. This schedule is good. It’s sustainable and productive. I’ve finally finally FINALLY reached the big inciting incident in Starstuff. And I’ve added a psychosomatic element to what happens that I really love. It’s very visceral for me, and it will be for anyone who’s suffered similar feelings when they were younger…or older, I suppose. It’s just something that hasn’t happened to me in…man, probably 15 years.

Back to time for a second. There’s not enough of it. I quite literally cannot believe it’s halfway through October. Also, the song I’m listening to right now isn’t loud enough. But I’ve turned up the volume all the way. Alas.

Back to the writing: the job from this point onward is to make sure the story moves along. Drives. Adventure is relentless, after all. I’m excited. This draft…is not going to be perfect. That I can already tell. My skills just aren’t there yet. That’s…humbling. Frustrating. But it also lights a fire under my ass, to be honest. If I continue to work, push myself, and learn…I will get there. So, this draft, and this book are just going to have to be as good as I can make them. And then I move onto the next.

That’s all I have for you tonight, kiddies. Coco has just come into the office and Coops is sniffing at the front door. They’re ready to start nighttime routine. That’s my cue.


Artwork is by Mark Harrison.