I helped Josh today with his feature film. We (finally) finished a pass on Act 1. There are two more acts. I know he’d originally wanted to be done with the film in August. That’s probably going to be off by about 12 months.

Seriously…to anyone and everyone out there who has FINISHED a full-length feature film that was self-made…you deserve a goddamned medal. It is such an incredibly long, long, long process that no one will pay you for, no one will think is going to be any good, and nobody will really help you finish. And by that last one, I mean that the onus and responsibility for a finished product will never lay in anyone’s hands except your own. The project lives and dies in you. It’s a thankless job…and it’s one guaranteed to make you wonder if you’re just wasting your time.

So, cheers to those who actually finish. If it’s your first film, it probably does suck…and that can feel utterly devastating. I know, I’ve been there personally. 

BUT…if you can push past that and keep on going and make another one, and then another, not only do you get faster at the whole process, but your second and third films will be SO MUCH BETTER than your first. And that’s the only way to become a competent filmmaker. The only way. The people who decide they are, in fact, wasting their time will never be filmmakers because they never finished.

It’s a lesson that applies to writing. 100%. I intend to learn from it.

So, lots of editing today. I also got all the voice over work done I needed to. This has been seven work days in a row. But, I can’t drop dead yet, because there’s a WEDDING TOMORROW.

Wedding eve for Arg and Kristen. Can’t wait to celebrate it with them 🙂

All I got tonight, yo. That was my whole day. Except for a little bit of watching the Cubs beat the Dodgers in game 1 of the ALCS. For the record: I am not a Cubs fan unless they’re in the playoffs and the A’s are not. Then I want them to win it all just so Cubs fans can finally stop fucking stressing the rest of us the fuck out with their curse neuroses and all the attention they get.

This year might be the year. Go Cubs. Then…as far as I’m concerned, they can not win another one for another 111 years. 🙂