The Ho has me signing that Ariana Grande song. “Got me walking side to side.” I don’t even like Ariana Grande. She sings without any goddamned consonant sounds! It’s all-vowels! Gahhh!

She’s also in this commercial right now for…T-Mobile, I think? And she’s out in the middle of the desert WEARING A PINK PARKA. Makes no goddamn sense. And still singing that song. “Been there all night. Been there all daaaay.”

We move on.

I worked my tush off today. Got a shit ton done. Except for reading, but that’s okay because I was so freaking tired all day, I took a two hour nap in the middle of the day instead of a one hour. I’m telling you people! If you have the ability…set up your day so that you get a nap in the middle of it! It’s changing my world. I’m so much less tired working.

The writing was great. I was afraid because of taking two exhausting days away from it, that I’d have lost a step or two…but I haven’t. I will say this, though – I still am not up to quite the output level I want to be. But, the time IS being used in full, and the ability to just sit down, focus, and do is there. So I have faith that the pages will come if I just stick with it.

Tomorrow will be more of the same. Lots of Flix work to get through. I’m still behind on output there, too, but again – I have faith that I’ll ramp up output if I just stick with the program.

I’m such a happier person when I’m in my routine. And, to be honest, I’m so, so much better than I used to be when the routine does get messed up. This last bout went on much longer than usual. Usually, it’s only a day or two. Writing the blog has done a lot to help that, keep me on track every day.

I was thinking today that when I start writing full time…I have to imagine that I’ll go through the same bouts every so often. That I’ll set myself goals that are a bit unreasonable, or that I’ll get overwhelmed when starting a new phase of the project and get behind, which snowballs into anxiety and depression. It’s apparently a part of my personality, and I have to believe that it’s not something that will magically disappear just because I’m not working a “day job” any more.

Still haven’t decided when that will be…I’m working on it, guys. I’m working on it.

Good night.