I did some podcasting with Josh today, and the subject of optimism came up.

I told him about how yesterday, the day after this historic election, I was having a really hard time getting up to do anything, and all I wanted to do was watch Star Trek. And, granted, I’m obviously a huge fan of the show, and Josh and I have talked before about how the characters on those shows are such good people who are always trying to support each other and do the right thing…but I realized that wasn’t really why I wanted to watch Trek yesterday.

I wanted to watch Trek yesterday because of the optimism of that show, that future. And it is optimism in the future, yes, but it’s really optimism in humanity…because it’s US that Star Trek is saying will eventually create that future. Star Trek puts its faith in us; it says that humans are inherently good, not bad…and it is that goodness in us that will eventually win out in a grand scale.

I realized that I believe in that, and I wanted to be reminded of that yesterday. Dramatic? Perhaps. Time will tell if it’s an overreaction or not. I fucking hope it is. But right now, it certainly feels dramatic and scary. I just saw a headline that said a muslim student in Wisconsin was beaten and killed. I just saw the headline on social media, I didn’t read it, I don’t know if it’s real…but that’s the kind of stuff I’m scared about. And I know it’s coming, because I’ve seen it before. It represents the darkest side of the country I love so much and call home. As the Ho said tonight, she’s scared of her own home, and that’s really, really scary.

We’re such a tribalistic species. Violence is always lurking around the corner…how can we possibly overcome that and achieve something as idealistic as a future where we all get along? I don’t know. But, what I do know is that this little TV show that I love so much dared to believe it was possible.

I have to believe it’s possible. Even when the road is long and winding and the top of the mountain is too far to see, I have to believe that it’s there.

So…that’s why I wanted to watch Trek yesterday.

Tonight’s image comes from Wally Wood.