Oof. Today was a long day. Lots of work, with a trip to the ol’ cinemas in the middle of it there with the Ho.

We saw Arrival, which was pretty damn good. I wouldn’t say it was amazing or incredible…though the language theory that it’s based on is fucking *fascinating*…but I’d still recommend the movie. The best possible thing I can say about it is that it was constantly surprising. I had no idea what was going to happen in any given scene, or even in the end how things were going to end up. It wasn’t necessarily moving in all parts (when it was clearly supposed to be moving), and not all of the dialogue/scenes/characters worked…but the downsides of the movie were definitely outnumbered by the upsides.

So, this theory on language, which I wish I could remember the name right now, but I don’t feel like looking it up :P…the theory basically states that any language, written and verbal, actually SHAPES a person’s brain pathways…well, actually, that would be the evidence part of the theory, we know that part is true, we can see it…and because it physically shapes our brains, it actually fundamentally shapes the way we THINK. Which is to say, people who speak a different language than I do actually THINK differently than I do. They process thoughts in a different way, based on the way they talk and write.

So, then take that theory -language changes the structures and processes of our brains- …and insert aliens. Fun, right? How would learning an actual ALIEN LANGUAGE change the way we think?

Anywho, ’twas a fun outing with the Ho.

I reached out, today, on social media to some people that I haven’t talked to enough, I realized. I had some conversations about what I’d usually try to avoid because I felt uncomfortable or was afraid of them. It was definitely overwhelming at moments, because I wanted to choose the right words to express myself, but I have to say that overall it was immensely positive. And exhausting. In fact, I have several conversation threads that I owe a response to, and I pledge I shall answer indeed 😛 Tomorrow.

As one friend put it, in different words that I can’t completely quote: it’s a process that will take time. It’s a conversation that is about mutual understanding, not about one argument. And I agree with that. So much of the harm that society inflicts upon us is because of a lack of understanding. The more we talk to each other, and the more we understand each other, the more it becomes impossible to hate or marginalized each other.

And social media is a MASSIVE MASSIVE tool that can be used to further just that. It’s a tool that I, personally, haven’t used enough…something I’d wager I have in common with most people. So, I want to engage more often, like I did today.

And yes, you guys, this push for communication is surging right now because of this election…it will subside in the coming weeks and months, and it will surge again when the next conflict point happens, which it most surely will. I know that not every day will be like today, with me engaging as much as I am…BUT…

…that’s okay. I can still make a difference simply by engaging in opportunities as they present themselves online. I can pledge to converse with my friends and aquaintances in a respectful, civil manner when the chance is there, rather than say nothing or “mute” that person. THAT is what I feel like I’ve done wrong. I can start with that.

So…yeah…if you’re reading this and we spoke today on facebook or twitter…thank you. My goal is to understand you, and get you to understand me. And to talk about these things that divide us, see if we can figure out why, and then perhaps we can figure out together how to bridge or close that gap. I think we all have too much in common as people for that to be impossible…I think it’s very possible.

Anywho…more work tomorrow 😛 Long week in that regard.

Oh! And our PS4, which came yesterday, got all set up today and I couldn’t be happier with it. So, so looking forward to having some fun playing with it, and the blu-ray player is a dreamboat. Huzzah!