The Ho is on the phone right now with her seester and we just came up with a new word: “amazinauseating.” It’s, obviously, a combination of the word “amazing” and “nauseating.” You know, for those things in life that are simultaneously like “man, that is pretty amazing, but at the same time, like, fuck that; am I right?”

I worked my butt off today, and got everything done I needed to…except writing. Sigh. Tomorrow will be different.

Today, I got…I was going to say “sucked into” but that’s not actually correct. I *chose* to engage in some debates on the old Facebook today. That can definitely suck time away from ye old lad. I am extremely opinionated, after all. And I did that instead of writing. I don’t feel good about THAT part of it…but I do want to try and engage more often online. Debate where I can, and ask questions where I can’t.

I don’t know far, far more than I do know…so I hope to do a lot more question-asking than debating. I’m not sure I won that particular battle inside myself today, but at least I *ended* my day on that note. I’ll try to do better.
I also watched the documentary Weiner today. What an uncomfortable piece of train wreck that was to watch. Lying…lying will bring anyone down if you give it long enough. And that’s really what Anthony Weiner came down to: he’s a liar. It’s not about the scandal, really…it’s about the lying. It’s always about the lying. He was lying to his wife when he first started sexting other women, he was lying to her again when he said he’d stopped after getting caught, he lied to the press, and ultimately since he was a politician, he was lying to his constituents.

It’s a pretty interesting documentary, in an uncomfortable way. This film crew saw the whole thing go down.

That’s all I got tonight. Just realized I didn’t take me allergy meds. Need to do that, sleep, get up on time tomorrow, and get some GD writing done, eh?


Artwork tonight is from the man, the LEGEND, Chris Foss.