What does he care? All the lonely people, where do they all come from?

I’m…listening to Eleanor Rigby right now, obvs. Before that, I was listening to the Live at the Hollywood Bowl album that was released last year…which is CRAZY to listen to because of the CROWD. My god. So loud. So much high-pitched screaming. It’s a bit hard to wrap your mind around just how friggin huge they were.

I just blew my own mind thinking about just how YOUNG my dad was when my brother Russell was born. My god. He turned 30 in 1988, I think. Jesus. That means he was TEN when “Revolver” came out, arguably the best Beatles album. My dad didn’t graduate High School until the 70s were halfway done. I never really thought about that before now…what era he really grew up in. Now, I’d bet he still skews to late-60s early 70s because he was the youngest of…6 kids? 5? Let’s see…Richard, Michael, Linda, Renee, John. Five kids. Jesus, I hope that’s right. Dad, if you’re reading this, how’d I do? 🙂

See, I was born in the early 80s, but I didn’t really grow up in the 80s. I was a kid. I didn’t know anything, really, about the world around me. I grew up in the 90s. Particularly the mid-to-late 90s. That’s when you’re finally old enough to really understand culture, the wider world around you, what other kids find important other than cartoons and toys and what your parents talk about all the time.

Or at least that’s the way it was for me – my dad was liable to strum the guitar and sing some songs, but neither of parents listened to music on the radio. Not beyond some bluegrass courtesy of Garrison Keillor on the weekends. So I missed so, sooooo much of all that 80s pop culture. It wasn’t until I was old enough to hear other kids’ music and buy some of my own that I dipped my toe into “contemporary” music…and it was a deluge, not a toe-dip. I remember my first album I ever bought. It was a tape. Dookie by Green Day. 1994. I was 12, and I was in 6th grade…the grade where it all starts to change. For everyone. You’re not kids anymore when you reach 6th or 7th grade. At least, you don’t feel like it. The game is afoot. Kids are popular. Kids have girlfriends. Shit gets FUCKED UP.

And when shit gets fucked up, you need to know what music is, you dig?

I loved my CDs. I had a couple hundred of them. It’s what got me into DJing. Now, I collect playlists on Spotify.

I took today off. My neck took me aside just a few minutes ago and whispered “thank you” and gave me a hug. It’s as good as new.

The Ho and I finished my Herzog Volcano doc today together, and then we finished The Boss together, which was not a good movie. The Herzog flick was only “okay.” But, hey, we move on. Have I mentioned that I wish to watch 100 movies in 2017? I also want to read 100 books…might revise that to 50, but we’ll see. I’m doing better with my books already than I am with movies.

The building really sucked me into its clutches today, time-wise. I didn’t get to relax quite as much as I wanted, but I feel rejuvenated enough. I suppose. Sometimes, too much rest can be too much rest, you know? Of course you do, you little workaholics.
