Coco just got worried that Coops was going to steal her Whimzee stick. Lord almighty these two pups love those Whimzees. It takes Coops about five minutes or so to eat one. It takes Coco about 15 minutes because of her little nubbin teeths. But that’s the whole point – keeps those tooths clean.

Now both pups are lying up next to me. I love them.

I took a small step today…or a big one…I turned down a full-time job that would have paid very, very well. I’m all-in on writing, you guys. Typing out that sentence terrifies me a little bit, but I am. I’m all in. I’ve already started down that path, so it’s not like anything today was ground-shaking, but it was a small step. It was a haaaarrrddd, hard hard decision, and I really hope it was the right one.

If I write five books this year, it will have been the right one. No doubt. And that’s why I made the decision I did.

I guess, as I’m writing this out right now, it’s not the decision that makes me nervous…it’s the execution. Can I do it? No, that’s not the right question…I know I can. Will I do it? I hope so. I think so.

My head is swimming right now with what this all means…which makes me think, as I type this, that I need to simplify. Focus. Look at tomorrow, my to-do list, what’s on the top of it? Finish Starstuff. So, that’s what I focus my brain on instead of everything all at once. Finish Starstuff. That’s what I’ll do, then. Which means as soon as I finish this little blog tonight, I’m going to schedule out my day and set my alarm.


That feels better. That feels less huge. Finishing something is the antidote to being afraid of not following through. I can do that.

I can’t remember if I talked about crushing my glasses the other day, back on Wednesday I do believe…but I did. Well, today, I got my eyes checked and with new prescription in hand ordered my new pair of glasses. I was hoping to get exactly the same frames, but they don’t sell those any more. Sadness. But…these are the exact same line of frames, just a different color and slightly different finishes here and there. Gotta keep my trademark look, you know?

That’s all for tonight, guys. Gonna read for a bit, then sleepy times.

Oh! I did finished another book today. That’s three books…no…FOUR books finished in 2017 already. Not bad! 🙂

Artwork tonight by Frank Kelly Freas